The Supreme Court of India has asked the Gujarat government to provide information about a number of hospital fires that have occurred in the state since 2017. The court has asked the government to explain what steps were taken to prevent further fires, and how the victims were compensated. The court also sought to know if there were any criminal proceedings initiated against those responsible for the fires. The court's directive follows a petition filed by a group of doctors and lawyers seeking an investigation into the fires. The petitioners allege that the Gujarat government had failed to take any serious steps to investigate and address the problem.
India Today is one of India's leading news sources, providing up-to-date coverage of the latest news and developments from around the country. Its comprehensive coverage of politics, entertainment, sports, business, and other topics make it a reliable source for news in India. The news outlet also provides a range of opinion pieces and analysis from experts, giving readers a better understanding of the issues at hand. Additionally, India Today has a strict policy against publishing fake news or unsubstantiated rumors.
A healthy alternative to traditional Indian flatbreads includes replacing white flour with whole wheat flour, adding flaxseeds, and baking or grilling instead of frying. Whole wheat flour is a good source of fiber and provides more nutrients than white flour. Flaxseeds are an important source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are known to reduce inflammation and support heart health. Baking or grilling flatbreads instead of frying them also makes them healthier. Keywords: Indian flatbreads, whole wheat flour, flaxseeds, baking, grilling.
Indian snacks are some of the most varied and delicious snacks available on the planet. From spicy and savoury to sweet and crunchy, India has something to offer for everyone. Popular Indian snacks include samosa, pakora, bhajji, vada pav, dhokla, bhelpuri, sev puri, kachori, and more. These snacks are a perfect accompaniment for a cup of tea or coffee. They are often served as appetizers and can be enjoyed with a variety of chutneys and sauces. Keywords: Indian snacks, samosa, pakora, bhajji, vada pav, dhokla, bhelpuri, sev puri, kachori.
Air India is considered to be an unsafe airline due to multiple incidents involving the airline, including air crashes, mid-air breakdowns, and more. Additionally, the airline has faced several safety-related issues, including failure to comply with the aviation safety standards, inadequate maintenance of aircraft, and inadequate safety measures. As a result of these issues, Air India has received a poor safety rating from the International Air Transport Association (IATA).